Getting into college is more competitive now than ever. The application may seem straightforward, but college admissions offices are looking for specific answers from students and particular features in their academic records. It’s never too early for college-bound students to start thinking about the story their academic career will tell on their college applications. High school students can benefit from working with a college admissions expert at any grade level. Here are some of the top places to find college admissions assistance.
Working with a college admissions consultant provides expert, first-hand insight into the application process not only for colleges but for scholarships to help students pay for school. The difference between working with a consultant and other college admissions assistance resources is the first-hand experience advisory services have.
Families can work with professionals from careers in college admissions who will share what admissions offices look for in every aspect of an application, from academics to extracurriculars and the essay.
The earlier a student begins working with a private advisor, the more they can plan their high school experience towards the ultimate goal of getting into their dream school. Decisions from what classes to take to community involvement, after-school jobs and internships, and club participation can significantly impact college applications.
High school guidance counselors offer juniors and seniors accessible college admissions assistance during the school day. They can provide insight into the colleges that have accepted students from their school and advice about GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars.
Students can browse college catalogs in a guidance counselor’s office. Counselors can also help find scholarships and financial aid resources and get help selecting classes that will optimize their transcripts.
It’s always worthwhile for a student to reach out to the admissions office of the colleges where they’re applying. The admissions counselors will get to know proactive applicants and can provide guidance and insight for submitting application materials.
Just as students are looking for schools where they’ll thrive, colleges seek applicants who contribute specific qualities to their student body. Building a rapport with the admissions office of your top colleges is a great way to get to know the college better.
Teachers for high school upper classes have years of experience working with students going through college prep and application. If you have a mentor teacher that you’ve connected with during the semester, consider asking for college admissions assistance.
They can not only write a letter of recommendation but offer their insights on qualities they’ve seen in students who have gotten into their dream schools in the past. They can also suggest strategies for applications, testing, and the essay.
Tutors who are college students or recent grads can provide a key perspective on the college application process. They’ve recently been through applying for college and can share with current applicants what worked well and what they wish they’d done differently.
When looking for college admissions assistance, get as many perspectives as possible. However, a college admissions advisory group such as Education Attainment Services is the best way for students to get proven strategies and personalized support when applying for college.
At Education Attainment Services, we believe the skills students learn during the college application process will support their success throughout their careers. Our consultants come from backgrounds on both sides of the application process. They have worked in college counseling and admissions offices and have also helped students with their applications. The EAS suite of services includes individual and group advising and regular seminars. Our clients become experts not only in college admissions but in telling their stories to reflect their accomplishments and potential.
Get the expertise you need to get into––and pay for––the college of your dreams with EAS college admissions assistance.