Getting into a top university is one of the best assurances you can get of a bright future for your professional career, with access to excellent educational resources and opportunities that can give you a great head start in your field of choice. That’s why many parents have turned to education consulting firms to give their child the best shot possible at these kinds of schools. The best of these firms have the results to prove they can help students open new doors for themselves and gain admission to their dream schools.
Educational Attainment Services is one such firm, with a track record of results to show that we have the skills and expertise necessary to fully prepare students for college admissions and give them the boost they need to potentially reach their top choice school.
With years of experience assisting students in this manner, we understand what they, and their parents, look for in a firm like ours, how the most successful consulting firms help get students into their targeted schools, and what makes us one of the best choices for you.
Competition between college applicants was at an all-time high in 2018, according to this CNBC article, and it’s shown no sign of stopping today. With so many students vying for a limited number of admissions, particularly to the top colleges in the nation, private counselors have become an increasingly popular option for additional assistance.
A common trait among many of the most successful of these firms is an existing connection to the top colleges students are targeting. Specifically, this means students who have gained admission to these colleges, or former staff at these colleges who are intimately familiar with how the admissions process works and what truly sets an applicant apart from the rest. Educational Attainment Services falls into the latter category, with founder Mark Lewis having served in admissions at the University of California at Berkeley and at Harvard University.
The obvious benefits of getting direct help from an admitted student or a former admissions staff member are a much greater understanding of what moves the needle on an application and any factors that can unexpectedly hurt your application. Having the guidance to craft an application that can stand out and indicate that the student can contribute to a more well-rounded student body at their targeted college is, in itself, an incredibly significant benefit that shouldn’t be overlooked.
We’ve also written about some of the other benefits of private counseling on our blog, which include a greater volume of individualized attention, a better understanding of which skills are more important to develop to succeed in college, and a stronger feeling of confidence when it comes to tackling college-related challenges.
Generally speaking, retaining the services of a private counselor to help with college admissions can be an expensive prospect, costing anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. It can, however, make a significant difference in whether a student gains admission to a college that can make highly-valuable career opportunities much easier to find and take advantage of. In that sense, it can be seen as an investment in the student’s future career.
It’s also important to keep in mind that students’ existing counselors assigned to them by their high school may be stretched too thin to help them in as effective of a way as a private counselor. School counselors are dealing with a much higher volume of students and often find it much more challenging to give a significant amount of time to each individual student. You can read more about this and other details related to the question of cost in this article.
Wherever you are in the application process, we’re ready and well-equipped to help prepare you for admission to your top choice school. Take advantage of our expertise and contact us online to schedule an initial consultation.