Getting a scholarship to college is a big deal. It’s expensive and any bit of financial relief goes a long way to helping with the burden that comes with it. While it’s not always the case, there are times when you will need to complete an interview with an organization to receive a scholarship. To help with this, our team at Educational Attainment Services has put together a beginner’s guide to college scholarship interview preparation.
Research the organization offering the scholarship
Like preparing for a job interview, it’s important to know the organization that’s offering you the scholarship. Do your research beforehand so you can understand the tone of the organization as well as why you would be a good fit for their specific scholarship. It’s also a good idea to research the organization before applying so you know who you’re getting involved with as well as your chances of qualifying.
Practice answering common questions
Many interviews will have similar questions, which makes it easier to prepare. Do some research and look for some of the most common interview questions that are asked and come up with your own answers for them. However, it’s also important that you truly believe the answers you give rather than saying the “right” answer you think they’re looking for. It also makes for a more natural answer in the interview.
Have friends and family interview you
Don’t underestimate the power of practice. Have friends and family ask you some of the previously mentioned common interview questions so you can practice answering them. They can also ask you their own questions to help you be prepared for anything the interviewer might throw your way. These can be serious questions about the scholarship and the organization that’s awarding or completely random questions about you, your schooling, your career goals, or even about current events. Having someone ask you thought-provoking questions will go a long way to helping you prepare for an interview.
Have an appropriate outfit
A good first impression will go a long way to set a proper tone for your interview. The way you dress and present yourself physically is going to be what determines your initial impression. Keep in mind that an appropriate outfit isn’t always a suit and tie or a skirt or dress. There are times when business casual is more appropriate. Feel out the organization and ask those who are familiar with them for advice on what will be best.
Find a way to relax beforehand
Interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience. Part of your preparation should include finding a way to relax beforehand. Whether it’s sitting in your car and listening to music, reading a book, or scrolling through your phone, be sure to find a way that you can be relaxed before you go into your interview but you’re still able to be focused on what’s coming. It’s not recommended that you take a nap before an interview because if you get into too deep of a sleep you could wake up disoriented and disheveled.
Get help with Educational Attainment Services
If you’d like help with college scholarship interview preparation, please get in touch with our team at Education Attainment Services. We can provide you with information that you need to prepare for your interview and even offer mock interviews. This is a great way to get yourself ready for any interviews that you might have coming up. Give us a call today at 800-706-4134 or send a message using our contact form. We look forward to working with you and preparing you for what’s to come in your pursuit of college scholarships.